Camera Shot B: This camera shot was taken by the cinematographer being stood on top of the rock in order to get a higher angled shot. Our aim was to get high enough to do an establishing shop however the rocks were slightly too low in order for the establishing shot to be very effective. The high shot, however, made the girl look small showing her innocence and vulnerability t0 the audience.
Camera Shot C: This shot was positioned with the camera facing west in order to get a long shot of the girl walking away from the camera. The rock behind it made a shadow effect on the camera so it looked darker and made the scene seem more tense. We also used this camera position to do a dolly tracking shot up and down the girls body which built suspense as to what she would look like. We found this area in the woods was also less muddy than other parts so we decided to film the shots involving the teddy therefore if we did for some reason have to redo the shots, the teddy wouldn't be muddy and would correctly match the continuity editing.
Camera Shot D: The camera was positioned on the rock with half the lens focussed on the rock and the other half focussed on our character walking in the background. We thought this would give a sinister effect almost like someone was watching her and would make the shot more scary and effective.
Camera Shot E: We decided that we liked the idea of integrating the camera into the trees to use them in helping us get more unique camera angles so this shot is where we put the lens between branches and did a dolly panning shot of the tress around it. It is also in the area where we set up the tripod to do an extreme long shot of our character standing amongst the trees as the different sized and shaped branches created a creepy effect.

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