How does your media product represent particular social groups?
My production consisted of one character; this character was
a young girl. I used a variety of different camera angles and shots to present
the protagonist. The
main actor's only prop was a teddy bear; this connotes innocence and childlike aspects. As this contrasts with the look of the character as well as her eery demeanour, it leaves the audience feeling inquisitive as well feeling uneasy. Through this use of mise en scene we are giving indications about the character to the audience, that dialogue and movement alone may not have conveyed.
In our production we are generally presenting people of a younger age, although people of older ages appear in photos at the start of our production, movement or dialogue is not present. Our only character appearing in our production is the young female antagonist, because of this she holds the audiences full attention giving her power; additionally a sense of importance is added to the character.The camera constantly follows the girl, giving her control and maintaining the attention of the audience. In addition, it is clear that the young girl plays the villain of the production; this implies that she has the strength and power to potentially overrule an older character in later scenes. However, as the character has no dialogue throughout the opening this could limit her power, potentially deeming her to be less important; it could be argued that this is purely down to her gender, therefore presenting females in a prejudiced way.
The stereotypical aspect of our production was the way in which we present our young character. She is seen dropping a teddy bear, this clearly indicates that the character is a young girl.